Friday, May 8, 2009

Ritzy Bitzy Designs

Web Address:
Business Type: Baby Bottle Bibs

Owner: Monica Jones
Number of children: 2
Year Started: 2006

What did you do before you became a WAHM?
I was a stay at home mom and took care of my first-born son.

Describe your business/products:
I started with luxury boutique blankets, lovies and then not long after the idea for the baby bottle bibs came to me as I was feeding my second son in 2006. In 2008, I decided to launch
the new product into the market.

What was your inspiration?

First and foremost, my two boys and their messy feedings! Second, it was the desire to be able to work from my home, be my own boss and make my own hours.

What has been your most successful marketing technique?
I believe that having been so accepted by the mommy-blog world in the beginning helped me
out in a very big way. It is true that print media is being phased out by the internet and it was real moms testing my product, which was the ultimate validation each time one of them loved the product, wrote about it on their blog and recommended it to their readers. Also, if you have a product, I highly recommend submitting to the iParenting Media Awards, we won an excellent product award in 2008! The award is very prestigious and recognized in the industry, so it also helped us very much with our marketing.

What sets you and/or your products apart from other mom-owned businesses?
I believe my product is unique, however there are so many other mom-owned businesses and inventors out there that come up with the greatest ideas. I like to think I am part of a growing sisterhood and I am always open to helping anyone out who may have any questions or need specific advice.

WAHM advice?
Never, ever, ever give up - I borrowed this from my wonderful mentor, Noel Goldman, the inventor of Strap Tamers. We as women need to know that we can achieve our dreams, now more than ever. With the internet and technological advances today, it is possible to run a business from your home and be able to make your own hours to be able to spend time with your family.

What has been the hardest part of starting your own business?
Balancing the role of wife, mom and entrepreneur is a constant struggle.

What has been the most surprising?
The amazing support of other WAHM’s, mom-inventors, and mompreneurs has been surprisingly amazing. So many of them are willing to help in any way they can. All you need to do is ask for help when you need it.

What has been the most exciting?

Getting thank you notes from celebrities, that’s always fun. As well as reading emails and testimonials from everyday people who love our product, that always put a smile on my face!


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